Monday 31 December 2012

Healing is Easy

"Healing is easy, 'cos of what Jesus has done"- Sam Larbie

When bible scholars talk about the "work of Christ", it is always associated with things accomplished in Calvary. This is the basis of our healing, forgiveness and reconciliation with God. But I believe the works of Christ and what he has done extends to the way He propagated the heaven's family culture among His disciples and how He modelled kingdom culture wherever he went. These and the enabling of the Holy Spirit enabled the "finished work of Christ" to propagate rapidly in the first century church.

Now a few more stories and updates:

From Terminal to Life- Update

James real name is Toney. He is now out of the ICU. Here's some updates from his wife.

More Lord!

God Repeats a Testimony- Update

The gentleman in this story's name is Paul Lyn. At his request, he said to use his actual name.

A day after he opened up the wound and the wound has completely dried up to this day. Before we prayed for him, it was still bleeding and he was in a lot of pain.

After a week, he met with his doctors and the doctor told him that, " I have never seen your heart and your kidney this strong".

If you can recall in the original post that I sang a prophetic song to him that day. The song was "God is the Strength of My Heart."

Lastly, I have also brought Paul to testify and pray with Toney. Here's our photo at the ICU together with Somy Winardi, the brother who introduced me to Paul.

Myself, Paul and Somy at Toney's ICU

Acid Reflux No More

A lady with acid reflux asked for prayer in one of our life groups. She said that she feels a lump when swallowing food and she is not allowed any vinegar, spicy and oily foods. Applying the principle of a Healing Culture, I asked a fourteen year old teen to lay hands and pray non-religiously (instead of praying for the lady myself). Immediately, the lady felt a sort of a big knot formed in her belly then the knot gave way and she felt that the pain associated with the reflux was gone. We continued our prayer assault and then she began coughing vigorously, at this point she ran to the washroom. When she came back, she told us that she threw up a piece of meat and that the lump in her throat was gone. She said she never ate meat that day! This was a few weeks ago and up to this week she has been testifying that the pains and symptoms she felt before are all gone.

A Child Shall Lead Them

We should never underestimate kids in matters of the faith. We have a two and a half year old boy in our life group that seems to just play around during our meetings. One day before going to work, the mom was trying to show the boy how to pray for the neck pain of their dad. The boy did prayed and right after asked the dad, "wala na ba Pa? (is it gone (the pain) Pa?)".

The mom told me afterwards that the boy has been observing everytime we have been praying for healing in our life group, where I always asked if the pain is gone or what degree of healing the person has received.

His Eye is On the Sparrow and Your Broken Finger Too

A couple who lead a CTF campus were our visitors a few days ago. The lady pastor had difficulty moving her left thumb and she said it's painful to bend or do some normal stuff you can do with one's thumb. I began to recount stories after stories after stories.

Then she told us about her thumb and instantly the word I got is if Daddy God cares for the sparrows, He care for our broken/sprained fingers too. We prayed and power of God came upon that finger and the pain was gone. I followed up the next day and indeed the healing remained.


Indeed healing is easy because of what Jesus has done and it gets easier as we partake of it as the children's bread- a part of of our healing culture.

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  1. Wow - this is wonderful, Joseph!


    1. Thanks Amanda! Blessings to you this new year.
