Thursday 14 February 2013

Everlasting, Unlimited Love

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (I Corinthians 13:13)

You cannot have a blog about faith, hope and love and neglect to write something about love on Valentines Day so here it goes.

The verse above seems to be a paradox concerning eternity. Love we can imagine to exist, but faith and hope? Let me expound on that further.

Faith is the substance of things hoped mean there will still be faith in heaven?  When I was young, I thought that there is no use for faith in heaven because we will now see Him face to face.

And how about hope? I have been taught Jesus is our Blessed Hope and somehow in my young finite mind, all hope ends when we meet Him.

But the verse above throws a wrench into my well oiled belief. God is love and as long as He is around there will always be love. But love believes all things, hopes all things...There is always an element of hope and faith whenever there is love.

This also has something to do with God Almighty being Omnipotent. Contrary to popular belief, omnipotence is not only being all powerful...Let's go to the greek root word of Omnipotence.

Omni + Potent = All (or Full of) Potential
Can you recall potential and kinetic energy?

Potential energy is energy based on position, height or elevation. Our God is known as the Most High!

The God whom we serve is oozing of potential. The things that He has done before, that is now part of His past and no longer part of His potential. He always have something up His sleeves. That is why He will never run out of love for you now and He alone can claim to have and can give everlasting love.

Most people think that heaven and the after life with Him is a boring church service of sorts with no sense of adventure. If faith and hope are eternal, I believe there will be fresh adventures awaiting us on the other side of eternity.

Because of Daddy God's Omni+Potential heaven's atmosphere is akin to a Stanley Cup game 7 finals sudden-death situation where the best player has scored the winning goal.

Or game 7 of the NBA Finals with the score tied with 1.2 seconds left, the inbound play happening cross court, with no time left somehow a center known for dunks catches the ball half-court and managed to shoot the ball!

You get what I mean? There is so much love, faith and hope waiting for us in heaven. More adventures and partnership within Father & Sons, Inc.

Why wait for heaven when we can pull down heaven to earth right now? After all, He taught us that the Kingdom is within reach and the Kingdom is in our midst!

He Graciously Adds Love- Josh

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