Saturday 17 November 2012

A Voice of Faith and Life

"These are some of the signs that will accompany believers...they will lay hands on the sick and make them well." (Mark 16: 17-18 The MSG)

A few Saturdays ago, I received an urgent phone call from Sudbury (more than 4 hours drive from Toronto). A friend was dying and prayers were needed. I quickly gathered the family and we prayed. Then took the matter to friends in Facebook.

We left Toronto around 1pm and surprisingly made it to Anne's bedside by 4:55pm (we even had one 20 minute stop, and I did not break any traffic laws). Please note that Grace was 9 months pregnant and she was even the one who insisted that we take the trip. The hospital guards even tried to usher us to the maternity ward when we arrived there!

Around 6pm we were informed that the special injection did not work and she had 3-5 days to live!

At this point, the hospital and family were looking for the DNR (do not resuscitate) clause in her will. They did not find any so the decision was to keep her on life support still. I also found out that I was there because she included me in her will to facilitate her funeral (she told us before but we just brushed it aside)

That night in Sudbury, I asked the Lord, why of all people I was put in this dear sister's will. I was given a picture of a corporate enterprise. If I am an owner of company, I would assign board of directors that would look after my interest. The same applies to one's will. Then it dawned upon me that I was there to be a voice of faith and life.

Before we left Sudbury, I gathered the family Anne was staying with and broke bread declaring that the broken body of Jesus, symbolizes by the bread, guarantees our healing. I also asked her friends to the same on Anne's bedside when they go back to visit her.

That was more than a month ago. Anne is now out of the ICU. With the support of friends and family, she is now on the road to recovery (still need prayers, please) and I even spoke to her on the phone a few days ago.

I spoke with a woman who was written off to die a month ago!

Truly Daddy God is still in the miracle, life-giving, awe-inspiring business.

He Graciously Adds Faith- Josh


  1. Yes, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. Anne was saved, healed and on her way to health restoration. God has a purpose in resurrecting Anne, that His name may be glorified.

  2. Anne Maslow moved from Sudbury to heaven last night. She passed away peacefully November 28th, 2012 11:05pm. During the 6 extra weeks extended to her, closures, forgiveness and reconciliations happened. Last night might be the last of her unfinished business- i lead her only son to the Lord around 8pm. What a way to go, no pain, time for closures and a life fully and abundantly lived- proud mom, retired school teacher, former missionary to Africa, CTF cell leader, community volunteer, 27 years of unheralded summer missions work among the first nations. Anne Maslow 1940-2012
