Wednesday 28 November 2012

From Terminal to Life

The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. (Genesis 1:2-3)
I met James (not his real name) last week in a hospital in downtown Toronto after someone told his family about Anne Maslow's story. I was ushered into the ICU with gloves and disposable gown.

James was diagnosed with stomach cancer earlier this year and his stomach was removed. That was a few weeks before his now seven month old daughter was born. Last week, the doctors were keen on pulling life support because the cancer has spread to his esophagus. He was also diagnosed with holes in the esophagus. The medical consensus is that no more surgery to be done, no more chemotherapy. He was pronounced a terminal case at age 37.

Standing at that bedside, I lead the family to the Lord and began recounting testimonies after testimonies of God's awesome power. Then I began to share the revelation I got when we were asking the Lord for creative miracles for Jarlene (i really, really promise to write about this soon in detail).

Back in 2004 I began asking the Lord how creative miracles can happen in the modern western world. In a dream, he answered me how creation happened. I was brought back to Genesis 1:2-3 and I realized that our situation was not unlike the earth's state back then- there was darkness, emptiness, chaos, disorder. In spite of that the Spirit of God was already hovering over the waters and all Holy Spirit was waiting for was the expressed intent and purposeful word of God. Then it hit me like a million-dollar revelation!

What is immiscible in water?

Oil! Oil in the Bible is always associated with the Holy Spirit. The anointing of oil (for the sick, etc.) is a symbol and a reminder of the first chaotic days of creation asking Holy Spirit to come, The Father to express His will and the Word to spur Holy Spirit to action.
As I was dabbing some oil on James' stomach and chest area, I began to declare the peace of God, Shalom- nothing lacking, nothing missing, everything's in order. Peace that passes all understanding, peace that this world can never understand. We began to pull down Heaven on earth and asking God for creative miracles- a new stomach, a new esophagus. We connected James to Life that day. Jesus Christ (the way, the truth and) the Life!

The surgery that wasn't supposed to happen happened two days after this encounter. I would like to quote what the family told me a few days after.

The doctors said, when we first opened him up everything was mushy and out of order. Now everything is in order. There is no more hole and cancer in the esophagus. The holes closed up!

James is still in the ICU and would very much covet our prayers. But he has now been pronounced out of the terminal stage and back to chemotherapy for the intestines.

I would say he has been transferred from terminal to Life!

He Graciously Adds Hope- Josh

Post Script

Another family with a similar situation has heard of this from James' wife. They are now asking me to meet with them this week. It seems my other office is the ICU for these past few weeks. Do it again Lord!

1 comment:

  1. I have mentioned your encounter to Irma. Her husband, Flynn is also in ICU in the same hospital after kidney transplant. Am in the process how you could pray for this s couple who need healing. Use your gifts for the glory and honor of Yahweh. Am very proud of you. Love and blessings.
